There are multiple stages in a human beings life, each one of them with its corresponding characteristics which, along with different personal experiences, create the perception each person has of the world, making you the person you are today. At Premier Consumer, we want to help you become the best possible version of yourself so can achieve economical and spiritual greatness.
Between every key moment in human development, there are multiple learning processes that add up to the self-concept people build throughout their lives. These processes update, in some form, the previous version of the same person. For example, when it’s time to become independent and leave the parents nest; individuals must take accountability for his/her nutrition habits and cleaning up. That has taught him/her to plan out time, expenses, consider the nutritive value of ingredients and even to cook. These particularities have contributed to his/her personal growth. The most important thing about these things is to know how to make the best of them and to find and maximize their benefits for us.
Read Also: Don’t Waste Food – It Costs Money.
Just like in this example, there are numerous moments that have defined a significant change in our self-concept and the individual´s concept of their surroundings. It is important to remember that personal growth is not only shown in actions, it also considers psychological aspects and emotions. In this regard, personal growth will not only come from specific physical activities but also from those that can allow him/her to develop skills he/she can utilize in different areas of his/her life.
“It is important to remember that personal growth is not only shown in actions, it also considers psychological aspects and emotions”
Now there is the question: why does it matter to maximize personal growth if it seems to be a natural process and it will eventually happen for everyone anyway? Truth is not everyone will harness the tools given and exploit them. Going back to the independent being, a person may not become accountable for its nutrition after leaving the good care of his/her parents, or perhaps this person is not fully conscious of what it is that he/she must do to develop healthy nutrition habits. Having mediocre eating habits will make you sick eventually, and it is better to be cautious than sorry. The goal for this person would be to develop a sense of self-awareness that allows him/her to identify when something or the lack thereof in his/her life is counterproductive, this ability is the main characteristic of personal growth and the reason why it is so important to be constantly working on it.
In a professional level, personal growth also results beneficial. Learning a new skill could set the difference between getting a job and not even being considered for it. A new language, a skill or a sport could boost the chances in the professional area and this could also mean a boost in the quality of life. The reason for this is that employers know how hard it is to develop a skill and be good at something. So the ability itself shows aptitudes.
Taking these things into consideration, here there are five tips that can help you in your way towards personal growth:
1. Make a profit from an old hobby: There was probably a time in which dressing up dolls, drawing and even building things with different elements seemed like the best way to spend time. Nowadays, those old hobbies could become a serious business activity that you could actually make a profit from and enjoy a lot. Trying to remember the things you liked the most as a kid can be a great aid in deciding which activity to dedicate some of our time.
2. Learn a new language: Globalization has promoted competitiveness. Leaning a new language will definitively add a plus to the skill sections in your résumé, but it will also provide elasticity, a broader spectrum to express opinions, feelings and ideas, expand the vocabulary and most importantly, it keeps the brain working which deaccelerates the aging process. Another great aspect of learning a new language is that this new skill could be an essential characteristic within a professional environment, even a core negotiation with an important client could go through you if you are the best speaker of such language. Just with a language, you could help close a business deal for your company and raise your value. Bottom line is, knowledge is power.
3. Participate in community activities: There is an unknown number of opportunities a person can get from being in a community. Being an active member of a community can provide significant gains in life quality, sharing ideas with neighbors could result in beneficial measures for everyone and working for/with others can develop empathy and kindness.
4. Practice a sport: The physical benefits of practicing a sport are well known (it’s good for the heart, the metabolism, it even helps fight depression) but there are other aspects of a practicing a discipline that shouldn’t be considered less important: establishing routines and fulfilling goals develop a sense of organization and commitment that could very easily expand to other aspects in the life of a person and improve it significantly. There are many types of sports and we are sure there is one for you to love. Solo sports will help you work with yourself daily and see the results directly, while team sports on the other hand will show you how to play with others towards reaching a shared goal. They both bring the added value of introducing you to new friends, and probably sports partners.
5. Take a moment to ponder: Today’s world is pretty agitated. To keep moving and being up to date on the latest everything will only guarantee your survival. Regardless, a lot of people live their lives so fast and have so many things on their plate that their own lives become overwhelming and they stop being happy. At least once a week, people should take a step back, a deep breath and contemplate their lives. Go back to his/her greatest achievements and proud moments, remember what motives him/her and review priorities and goals. People must stop for a second and think about their lives and how can they make it better. This could be one of the most valuable lessons throughout life: get to know yourself, keep realistic expectations, lower frustrations levels and stay positive.
These simple tips will significantly help improve personal growth and benefit multiple aspects of his life, or at least we hope so!