Presently internet offers a great variety of possibilities to perform transactions, without moving from their current place. You can perform bank operations, make payments to entities for their services, buy products and even request legal documents. However, your personal information can fall into the hands of delinquents.
It is important that you protect your online information and that you make sure that you use trust worthy websites.
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Here are five tips to adequately protect your personal and financial information when you make online transactions:
- Usually, the entities that offer online transaction services protect personal information so that it cannot be intercepted. This is done with the objective of protecting their customers. You can verify that a website is secure through the message that appears in the screen that lets you know that you are in a secure website. You can also see a closed safety lock or key in the lower part of your screen. Another signal that lets you identify that you are in a secure website, is that the first words of the website address change from “http” to “https”.
- Take into account that using Wi-Fi networks from airports, stores, libraries, hotels, restaurants or where available, is not always safe since another person could have access to the information that you sent while you had the network activated in your device.
- Verify that your cellphone or device is not set up to connect automatically to open Wi-Fi networks..
- Most secure websites have published their privacy policies. It is important that you read them to have full knowledge of how they handle your information.
- You can setup anti spyware programs thus avoiding that a third party has Access to your information. And the Surprise we have for you is five more tips…
- Do not answer e-mails that you receive from perceived bank entities requesting information update.
- Perform your transactions from personal devices; do not use other people´s devices or public computers to do so.
- Keep the digital support of all your online transactions.
- Do not remain permanently connected to the accounts. Perform your transactions and log off immediately.
- There are browsers that let you know when you are about to enter an unsecure website, be aware to these notifications and close the website immediately.
Be online smart and benefit from using technology in a correct manner. Be careful regarding the safety of your information and that of your loved ones. Remember that once a criminal has access to your information, they can make incommensurable thefts that will gravely affect your financial life.