10 Symptoms That You Are Over Your Head In Debt.


Please consider the following ten items, and see how many apply to your financial life. If six or more do, it might be a sign that your finances are not under control, and it might be a warning to greater problems.They are not in any specific order of importance.

  1. Some of your credit cards have charged you in the past months over-limit and late fees
  2. You owe more than 50% of your available credit
  3. Some of your credit cards are charging interest rates higher than 18%.
  4. You are using credit cards to pay daily expenses such as food, gasoline, rent, etc,.
  5. You find yourself making balance transfer between credit cards to try to keep good interest rates.
  6. You regularly send only the minimum payment on your credit cards
  7. You don’t know exactly how much you owe in total in credit card debt.
  8. Some of your credit cards have sent you past due or collection notices.
  9. You owe many department store chains and oil company credit cards.
  10. When you get a bill from a credit card company, you experience stress that can be reflected in not wanting to open the bill immediately.

Read also Mental Health Behind Debts

If you have questions about these symptoms or wish to have your situation reviewed by a certified credit counselor please request a Free Analysis now.