It is possible that you have unclaimed refunds or that you have forgotten to request government pension money and that in this moment you are able to do it. Remember that it will always be a benefit to receive money without expecting it, especially when home expenses are very high or when you expect to save money to achieve some life plans.
You can find out if you are part of this group of people that did not claim money from “Treasury Direct” savings bonds, be it because you did not receive your payment from the Treasury Department or because the bonds ceased to generate interests.
You can also find out if you stopped claiming money for financial bank accounts that you had to close. It is possible that you are unaware that the bank deposits have an insurance that not only covers the money but also safe deposit boxes or assets. If you are interested in exploring if you did not claim this, you can go to the website of FDIC.
In case you have stopped claiming assets you can go to the website of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), since this entity is responsible of giving them back when any of the insured unions closes down.
Another claim that you may have pending is a “Pension Benefit” because of the closure of a company for which you worked for. To find out about this matter, you can do it through the Government agency in charge of the Unclaimed Pension Program (PBGC: Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation).
In case of properties and belongings you can find out through the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) if you have any not claimed on time, you can do this indicating the status, balances or belongings.
If you did not claim a mortgage reimbursement you can contact the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or i f what you have pending is a tax reimbursement you can go to the website of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Moreover, it is important that you remember the places you worked for and if any of your employers did not pay some of your salaries you can claim this through the data base of the Department of Labor.
Read also Three Steps to Improve Your Finances
As you can see, there are millions of dollars and of assets that have not been claimed, mostly because many people do not know that they have the option of requesting them or do not know the means that they can use to find out how to do it, however, this article has provided you with valuable information so that you can find out if you have the right to any claim.