As users, the only way to keep our networks safe is through the use of secure passwords, so we need to create different passwords to maintain the privacy of our information, from social networks to bank accounts.
Most users don’t spend enough time to create safe passwords, which is a huge mistake. We have to acknowledge that our passwords give access to a great amount of valuable information, and if we only create simple passwords for us to remember them, it will also be easier for others to discover them, and compromise our private information.
Most users don’t spend enough time to create safe passwords, which is a huge mistake. We have to acknowledge that our passwords give access to a great amount of valuable information, and if we only create simple passwords for us to remember them, it will also be easier for others to discover them, and compromise our private information.
Also, we have to take into account that even if some passwords guard information that we don’t consider too valuable, if stolen, it could lead people to access the sites that do represent losses to us as users, this is why we need to create safe passwords and give them the importance they deserve.
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There are many different ways to create safe passwords. Down below, there will be presented some tips to generate safe and easy to remember passwords:
Don’t use the same password to all of your sites
If we use the same password for all of our networks and sites, it only takes one guess for other users to have access to our private information, which is why it’s recommended to create a different password for each portal.
Don’t use personal information
When generating a password, users usually use personal information to remember it easily, but this shouldn’t be done, because anyone who knows you or anyone who can see your information in any social network will be able to discover your passwords and compromise your private information.
Convert the vowels into numbers
A very popular trick that can be used to create safe and strong passwords is converting the vowels into numbers. You can use a word or phrase that means something for you and replace the vowels with numbers that represent the vowel, for example, let’s say your password is “Volleyball”, after replacing the vowels for numbers it would be “V0ll3yb4ll”, which will make your password stronger and secure.
Only use vowels or only use consonants
Another hack you can use to create passwords that are more difficult to decipher is to only use vowels or consonants. For example, let’s say our password is “Hauntedyard”, if we eliminate the vowels we would get “Hntdyrd”, or if we eliminate the consonants we would get “Auea”, which will make our passwords harder to discover, but easier to remember by following the pattern.
Use the name of the site as part of your password
If you have trouble remembering to which site or network belong each password, you can include the initials of the site. For example, if the password belongs to Facebook, you can use FB at the beginning or at the end of it; this will help you keep your passwords organized and you won’t forget to which site they belong.
As a last resort, you can use a password generator
There are many password generators online. These systems allow you to choose the type and length of the password you wish to create, and an algorithm picks randomly the characters, generating a unique and strong password.
There are diverse tricks that can be used to create safe passwords, and there are many more, like mixing letters and numbers, using numbers and special characters, etc. The important thing to remember is that generating strong passwords is vital for us to safeguard our private information, and if we don’t do it right we can compromise and lose our money.
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