You should avoid being past due on your credit cards, since that would usually be reported on your credit.
If you are already late, they could be requesting payments from you a lot higher than the amount the were usually requesting before. Also, your interest rates most likely have been raised, and they are also calling you and sending you letters.
If you are at this stage, we recommend contacting us immediately to help you asses your situation.
We might recommend our debt management program which could help you save thousands of dollars and get back on the road to financial freedom.
We will contact your creditors on your behalf, send proposals to them for them to lower the interests rate and give you all the benefits our debt management program offers.
Your accounts will be brought up to date, many times your collection accounts will be recalled to the original creditors and you will get the piece of mind you so much need.
Please contact us as soon as possible or request a Free Analysis Now